Friday 24 June 2011

Brazil in WW2

I was reading an article this morning and wondered what part South America played in WW2 (beyond certain countries well known role in providing 'sanctuary' to various unsavoury characters after the war ended).

On the Wikipedia page I brought up the WW2 article and did some CTRL-F searches. South America is not mentioned once. Brazil, the only South American combatant nation, got two hits. One in the list of the combatants and another for the category page - 'wars involving Brazil'. Not much use.

However, scrolling through the Brazil history pages I found out about the Brazilian expeditionary force. They fought in Italy and (if the slightly shoddily constructed page is to be believed) took over 20,000 prisoners for the loss of only 948 soldiers. They also had awesome badges and uniform insignia. More armies should adopt the pipe-smoking-snake logo.

-Army shoulder pad (left) and Air force badge (below)

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