Saturday 10 May 2014

Redshirt Runthrough Rejecting Preferential Treatment (RRRPT Part 2)

As I explained in my last post I'm attempting to pursue a path through Redshirt where advancement comes from merit alone rather than schmoozing with the right people. Inevitably this will lead to social pariah status and eventual death but hey, you've got to stick by your principles right?

I booted the game and went through the limited character creation process selecting a male Human character wearing the reddest of shirts. However, 'Edgar Friday' as I named him, has a friendly smile and a slightly stylish hair do so I'm not entirely resigning myself to the predicted lack of social life yet.

As for the 'About Me' section. 'I HATE corruption!' seemed to fit the bill.

The first part of the game played pretty much as usual. As a lowly 'Transporter Accident Cleanup Technician' you are generally too busy finding those initial friends and working out where the cafeteria is to engage in too many career machinations.

The first aspiration I was given after making friends with Astra was to become the 'Transporter Accident Supervisor' which nicely meshed with my own plans. All went relatively smoothly - I had to throw somebody who had rejected my friend request to the slavering aliens on an away mission to save my own skin and had one minor cock up at work but I soon purchased the 'Venlithian Beach Resort poster' that raised my Assertiveness enough for promotion.

A beneficial side effect was a relationship request from a 'Hull Painter' named Jennifer Jepson who I had played a few games of chess/tennis with in a futile effort to raise Assertiveness cheaply. All in all a pretty promising start although it is early days yet!

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