Tuesday 22 January 2013

Thoughts on Dollhouse after four episodes

So I'm an avid fan of Joss Whedon's 'Firefly' and have acquired a grudging acceptance that, while 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' isn't my cup of tea, it is well made television that appeals to lots of people with decent taste. Therefore, I've often considered viewing 'Dollhouse' and have even dipped my toe in before and watched the pilot.

Having taken the plunge, I have to say that it has certain weaknesses. Character development is too often sacrificed for sexy actresses in skimpy outfits. While the central premise is interesting it is not entirely original to anyone with any experience of science fiction and lacks an intriguing and cohesive universe to engage with.

However, this doesn't mean it is a total wipe out. The idea of the Dollhouse allows them to keep each episode fresh and to make use of a wide roster of, generally compelling, characters. Further there are certain themes that ooze with promise and intrigue. The Doctor is a supremely effective character despite her tendency towards introversion, which limits her dialogue. Her scarring encounter with Alpha reminds me strongly of Aumonier in Alastair Reynold's 'The Prefect'. Let's just hope that this central storyline resolves in an equally shocking and original manner.

So what do I expect from the rest of the series? My current hair-brained idea is that the apparent 'director' of Dollhouse is another active. In such works of fiction we are often presented with the idea that the copy can only be distinguished from the original by creativeness and character. While Adelle DeWitt exhibits the clinical precision of an imprinted personality, it is lowly Topher who quotes Hamlet and develops the infastructure on which the project depends. Further he has the human weaknesses and foibles that are rarely selected for by those seeking to create a truly effective tool or weapon.

…. and of course we all know how convenient it is to have a controllable figurehead when running a secret and potentially illegal operation ;)

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