Thursday 9 February 2012

Being Human returns (much changed!)

[Spoilers ahead]

So I was unexpectedly notified that Being Human had returned for a fourth season when I saw a BBC article about the show and the drama caused by George's death in the first episode.

All very well but couldn't they have been a little more circumspect? Sure they have to report the Entertainment news and a glossy picture will draw in the readers but opening a piece with a major spoiler is a bit irritating.

Anyway, that aside, it wasn't too bad. After Mitchell's death at the end of the last series I'm getting used to the idea that this is a very fast moving drama and that real world commitments from the show's actors will naturally lead to a high turnover of characters at the present. It's faintly ridiculous but then 'Being Human' has never been an entirely normal series. There's a vaguely Shakespearian tragedy feeling to it when I find myself thinking, 'Aha, George, killer of Mitchell and Wyndham, has been struck down by supernatural forces - but not before striking down Griffin, the slayer of Nina.'

Looking forward to the rest of the series. The new Vampire policeman gives off a very creepy vibe and sets up a few laughs through his psychopathic behaviour but Cutler is obviously being set up as the real villain of the piece. The prophecy about Nina and George's daughter will surely see a few twists and I'm liking the humorous 'Vampire Recorder' (who surely has his own ulterior motives).

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