Friday 21 October 2011

Carcassone computer game

They've changed the meeples for little, animated soldiers. I will see that they burn for this heresy.

But seriously, great idea. We should see more board games converted well onto computers/consoles and vice versa. I would be the happiest man in the world if someone released a 'Wrath Unleashed' board game.


  1. Ahem, online multiplayer? When are we all getting this?

  2. Hey Danner! Yes, we should totally invest in this- £24 for the 4 player version. Jim has money and likes this game, I think?

  3. Although it would feel a bit weird buying a computer version of a game I already own in solid form :)

  4. I'd say not very secret now you've posted it in the public domain. However, since this blog has a readership of about 3 I think you're secret might be safe ;)
