Friday 1 July 2011

Maybe a hiatus....

Post frequency may well drop for a bit now, due to two main causes:

1) Valve made Team Fortress 2 free to play - If this is the future of PC gaming bring it on! A most excellent and addictive game and all you have to do to avoid paying for it in any way is resist the temptation to acquire an awesome hat for your character! I think I can just about manage that. Needless to say I've been playing this a lot this week and am not quite as clueless as I was originally although still flummoxed by some situations (mostly involving attacking entrenched sentry gun positions. You can get in as Spy to disable them but you then tend to die 2.7 seconds later as the surrounding infantry mow you down!). However, it has reduced my time available for more meaningful leisure time activities.

2) I am taking my first serious holiday since Easter! - Looking forward to some down time as I've been getting incredibly fatigued lately (although going eight days without a day off last week probably didn't help). Also means I'll be able to go to the Condon family reunion which is always an enjoyable affair. Bit scary as once I get back I'll only be a few weeks away from finishing this job.

So, so long and thanks for all the hits. This will almost certainly be a hiatus rather than a lingering death as I have rather enjoyed ranting on here about my eclectic interests and neurotic foibles.

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